What is really important? A good car service

oil, Dr. Ellis was disappointed to find no real medicinal value, but was intrigued by its potential lubricating properties. He eventually abandoned the medical practice to devote his time to the development of an all-petroleum, hi

What is really important? A good car service best oil for Ferrari

Continuous Oil

On September 6, 1866 American John Ellis founded the Continuous Oil Refining Company (Later to become Valvoline). While studying the possible healing powers of crude oil, Dr. Ellis was disappointed to find no real medicinal value, but was intrigued by its potential lubricating properties. He eventually abandoned the medical practice to devote his time to the development of an all-petroleum, high viscosity lubricant for steam engines ? then using inefficient combinations of petroleum and animal and vegetable fats. He made his breakthrough when he developed an oil that worked effectively in high temperatures. This meant no more gummed valves, corroded cylinders or leaking seals. In 1873 Ellis officially renamed the company to Valvoline after the steam engine valves the product lubricated.

Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_oil

car under control

Minor repairs of the car does not usually require a lot of time or money. Often, however, we ignore this type of failure - after all, they are not dangerous, and nowadays many people find it difficult to find even a brief moment to drive the mechanics and to verify the minor faults. Of course, this is a mistake. Few serious problem, which will be mishandled, could adversely affect other mechanisms and systems of the car. So if the failure is not remedied, it is likely to contribute to a much larger damages, and hence - the cost of repairs will increase significantly. Often in such a situation replacement parts are required, which of course affects the final price of the service mechanic. Not so it is worth delaying the service of the car, even if the problem with him seems to be harmless.

Where's best to leave the car for repair?

Sometimes our cars require repairs. Some faults and failures happen to all of us, but this does not mean immediately that our car is bad. Some of them simply can not be avoided, if one already happens, you should react. Some of them you can fix in just a few hours, but others require special equipment and skills that have only appropriately trained specialists in this field. The best places to give our car that was repaired as it should? A suitable place will be proven mechanical workshop and find them now very much. Just ask your friends or search ads, and all it will take us a little time.